When you have completed all the requirements for a course and Training Academy staff have confirmed you have met all requirements, you will receive a "complete" on your University of Minnesota training record. If you have not met course requirements, you will receive an "incomplete" on your record and will need to take the training again at a later date.  

You can access your training record through the University of Minnesota's learning portal.

Step 1: Go to learning.umn.edu

Step 2: Select "Learner Login" under the Login drop-down

Image of the Learner Login option

Step 3: Select "Continue" under "I have a University Internet Account"

Image of the Log In to Learner Portal page

Step 4: Navigate to "My Enrollment History"

Screenshot of arrow pointing to my enrollment history on learning.umn.edu

Step 5: Select the "Completed" tab and select "Print Transcript" to print your entire training record

Screenshot of arrow pointing to print transcript button on learning.umn.edu