Part of the Training Academy’s mission is not only to make sure learners and supervisors are connected on training progress, but also to maintain accurate reports. That’s why the supervisor field is now required in your training portal profile. When you enter your supervisor, they will be required to accept or decline your request as a method to improve accurate records.
Steps for Employees who do not supervise staff
Step 1: Log in to your Training Portal Profile
Step 2: Edit your profile
If your profile is anything other than ‘Supervisor’ and your Training Portal account is not linked to your supervisor, you will see a red banner at the top of your screen notifying you to add your supervisor.
Click the yellow “edit profile” button:
Step 2: Add your supervisor to your profile
Scroll down to the supervisor section and enter your supervisor's name and current work email address. NOTE - the email address you enter MUST be correct and entered in all lowercase letters, so double check this before hitting save.
Click “Submit” at the bottom of your screen.
NOTE - if the supervisor you entered does not have a portal profile yet, they will get an invitation to create one. When they do, they will see your request.
Step 3: View “accepted or declined” alert notification. If “declined”, verify information entered
Accepted alert
If the supervisor you entered accepts your request, the process is complete! You are now connected to your supervisor and they have access to view your training progress as well as assign training to you.
Declined alert:
If the supervisor you entered declines your requests, you will get an alert asking you to reach out to them to confirm and you will need to enter their information again.
Note - To remove an alert, click the red x comment icon inside the alert notification.